Phone number:
E-mail address:
City and state you live in:
Specific puppy you are interested in. Or, what breed, sex, color you are considering:
Family size and ages:
If you have children, have they been around dogs or puppies before?
Does everyone in the family want a puppy?
Is this puppy a gift? Birthday, surprise, graduation, etc? If so, does the recipient know they are getting a new puppy?
Do you have any other dogs? If so, what kind, size and age?
Do you have experience with this breed?
Have you researched the specific needs/problems of this breed?
Do you plan on taking your puppy to obedience classes?
Vet reference - clinic name, vet name and phone number. If you do not have a vet reference, please explain wy.
Personal reference, name and phone number or e-mail.
Do you own or rent your home?
If you rent, is this specific breed allowed?
Landlord name, phone number or e-mail.
A pet is a lifetime commitment, are you prepared to keep this dog for 10-15 years?
How did you hear about us? Friend, FaceBook, web site? If it was a web site or friend, please let us know which one.
In your lifetime, have you, your spouse or significant other, ever purposefully bred your dog? If yes, please give details.
If you are a breeder, please give your web site or FaceBook page info.
If your lifetime, have you, your spouse or significant other, ever rehomed a dog (or returned a puppy/dog to the breeder)? If yes, please give details.
Are you purchasing this puppy with the intention of breeding it in the future?
Are you purchasing this puppy with the intention of showing it?
All of our puppies come with, and are priced with, AKC Limited Registration. Limited Registration means this puppy is a pet only and will come with a spay/neuter contract.
Full Registration means the puppy will have breeding or showing rights. This is an additional fee to the quoted price of a puppy. Full Registration is not available on all puppies or to all people. Full Registration can be available to responsible owners.
Are you interested in AKC Limited or AKC Full Registration? If you prefer Full, please explain why.
I feel like I shouldn't have to ask the following questions, but the last several years have made me realize that not everyone knows what it is like to have a puppy in the home. Please read these and seriously consider if you and your family are ready for a new puppy.
Puppies are not born knowing how to behave, it is up to YOU to properly socialize and train your puppy.
Puppies can be ornery and playful, they like to nip and bite until YOU, their owner, teaches them what is acceptable and what is not.
Puppies are not aggressive - they are playful and need direction.
Do you agree with the above 3 sentences?
Do you understand that puppies bite, nip, growl and bark?
Do you understand that puppies have VERY sharp teeth and a playful nip can break the skin?
Are you and your family (especially children) prepared and willing to have a rambunctious, chewing, biting, running, chasing puppy in your home?
Do you plan on being a responsible owner that will give your puppy the time, attention and training that it needs to become a well-behaved dog?
If you have children - do you agree to not only teach your puppy to respect them, but to also teach your children to respect the puppy?
Please re-enter your e-mail address.
Please give me any additional information you care to share.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this for us.